Thanks to this project, deaf people also can work in restaurants, cafés, hotels and gardens (HORECA – Hotel, Restaurant, Café). So our foundation is looking forward to having the appliance of employers opened for employing hearing impaired people! We will ensurre the communicational bridge.

The main aim of the program is to build up a video dictionary containing the most important vocational expressions and workflows of the HORECA sector. The dictionary will show these expressions in both hearing and sign language.


ami a siket személy, a munkáltató és a többi munkavállaló közötti kapcsolatot segíti.

The dictionary will be available in English, Polish and Greek languages besides Hungarian, so it can be used for language learning besides communication in the work.

The relationship between the employer and the employee will be supported by a free handbook called „Deaf in the world of working”. It which puts an end to the basic misunderstandings related to the hearing impaired.

The vocational video dictionary and other materials are available on this link (in Hungarian).