The state supports the outcomes of a child’s growt byy a special form of financial support called „Family allowance”.

According to the main rule (CST. 7§), family allowance can be granted till the child is studying, but when the child is living with disabilities, (s)he is entitled to have the allowance till the illness or the condition i standing which causes the disability. If te person living with disabilities is older than 18 years, (s)he can ask for the allowance in his / her own right.

Who is entitled for family allowance?

  • The parent who grows the child in his / herown home,
  • The parent’s married companion,
  • Who would like to adopt the child,
  • The companion who has been living together with the cihld for more than 1 year,
  • The step parent or the public trustee,
  • If the child is living in a children’s home, the chief of the children’s home,
  • The chief of thesocial institute if the children lives in a social institute.

Till the age of going to school.

Who can askfor family allowance on their own right?

The adult who is older than 18 years, has a cronic illness, has a serious disability, and is not entitled for school-starting allowance anymore.

The school-starting allowance is granted from the 1st of November of the year when the child started school till the end of the school term of the child’s school obligatory, but at least the 20th year, or if the child has a cronic illness or lives with disability, the 23th year.

Who is a child / student with special growth needs?

According to the rule, thechild which needs special care,who is – according to the professional authority –

Disabled, or lives with hearing, visually impaired, or either mentally or verbally retarded, or suffering from the complications of autism spectrum or other psychicdisorders.

Who is a person with cronic disease or who lives with serious disabilities?

  • This child under the age of 18, who is suffering from a disease or disability declared in the special rule, and who – caused by this – needs special care. See decree no. 5/2003. (II. 19.) ESzCsM rendelet. As the decree says, the parent has to certify the illnesses and deseases on a form called „Igazolás tartósan beteg, illetve súlyosan fogyatékos gyermekről“. The certificates can be asked from the specialist of a child’s clinic, a child’s department of a hospical specila ambulance or surgery. You have to have it in two pieces ofpaper.
  • The person above the age of 18, who had lost his / her working abilities or has a 50% injure in his / her condition of health, in at least 67% before being adult, and this condition seems to be standing for at least 1 more year.

Firstly the governent offie’s special rehabilitation authority,secondly the committee of specialists examines and confirms. After the confirmation you will be given an opinion.

The family allowance isgranted till the end of the last year when the disability was certified.

The person who receives serious disability support, cannot receive family allowance.

Who can be counted during the assessment offamily allowance?

This child can also be counted after whom you aren’t entitled to have family allowance. During the assessment of the amount the child is counted (according to the proposal of yours), who lives in your home, and after whom you are entitledto have family allowance, or who studies in a school, or studies in higher education, learns for theirfirst vocation, and who doesn’t have a regular income. In this case you have to confirm that your child is studying somewhere on the form called „Igazolás tanulói jogviszony fennállásáról” or (s)he will have to ask for a certificate of being a student of the hgher education institute where (s)he studies. You have to confirm this every year while the child is studying.

If your children finished the first course at the university or college, (s)he cannot be counted into the children’ number anymore.

The child who is entitled for family allowance on his / her own right is also counted into the number of children, except from the case when (s)he doesn’t live vith you in your home. If your child lives in a social institute andyou keep regular contact with him / her, you can ask for the family allowance, too.

When does the grant have to be paused?

  • If the entitled person travels out of the EU or the EEC,
  • For the time of the grant of other support.

The grantof the family allowance shall e paused if the adult has a regular salary. The salary is regular if (s)he gets it for 3 months following each other. The grant pauses after the 4th month.

What kind of notification obligation does th eentitled person have?

The entitled person shall notify the authority within 15 days if:

  • The child leaves the home of the entitle person and moves to an other place,
  • If the child doesn’t have symptoms anymore which mea cronic illnessor serious disability,
  • If the child gets out of the school where (s)he studied, or his / her studies are paused,
  • the regular salary of the adult above 18 years old,
  • The fact when the entitled staysabroad for more than 3 months,
  • The change of the family conditions,
  • The expire of being single and the circumstances causing this,
  • The change of the entitled one’s name, bank account number or address,
  • When the entitled starts working in a membership of the EU, the EEC,
  • Any changes happening in the family conditions of the entitled one’s relationships, andany changes in their personal data (e.g. name change) caused by this (in this case the partner’s data are also must be given).

If you don’t notify the authorities, you need to pay the allowance back back to the last month when you were entitled without trouble!
