A Munka-Kör Alapítvány az Esély c. műsorban
2021. 02. 20.
2021. 02. 20.
Bonum TV, 2020. 12. 08.
2017. október
2019. november
2019. november
2017. január
2013. február
2019. november
2019. december
2018. december
2018. december
MTI, 08/28/2019
The Munka-Kör Foundation for The Hearing Impaired is reaching the end of its Erasmus Plus project with its international partners to develop a unique sign language dictionary program for hearing impaired people and their colleagues soon. The development in Erasmus Plus runs by the title SWING: Signs for Work Inclusion Gain.
The project, funded by Erasmus Plus, involves German, Italian and Spanish partners in addition to the Hungarians. The output materials are produced in the national languages of the four countries, supplemented by English, which is also the official language of the project.
In the video dictionary application under development, users can learn sign language terms related to tourism, gastronomy and furniture, thereby facilitating easier communication with the hearing impaired at work. In addition to the signed videos, a written explanation of the words appears in all five languages.
Launched in November 2017, the project, including the dissemination phase, will end by May 2020, by which time all outputs must be realized, and the hearing impaired and their colleagues can start to use the video dictionary application on various web and smartphone-optimized interfaces.
The Munka-Kör Foundation has been supporting the development, rehabilitation and long-term employment of people with hearing impairment for 15 years. We use sign language training, personal counseling and knowledge sharing as essential tools for this purpose, and will continue to work in partnerships where we can apply all of the above in an innovative way.
For more information please contact dr. Szigetvári Ágnes
2016. március megtekinthető weboldalunkon, ide kattintva.
2016. március – a konferencia teljes anyaga megtekinthető weboldalunkon, ide kattintva.
Ferencvárosi 9. Tv Közös tér c. műsor 2012. 12. 03.
UniCredit Bank megjelenések (TV2 Tények)
HVG : Diszkrimináció: ezért nem alkalmaznak siket dolgozókat 2014.01.14.
szakszervezetek.hu 2013.01.09.
Munka-Kör Alapítvány
1021 Budapest, Hűvösvölgyi út 81.
Sms, Viber, Whatsapp: 06308134220
Telefon: +36 50 125 2874
Munkanapokon 10:00-14:00 között hívható!
E-mail: munkakoralapitvany@t-online.hu
Adószámunk: 18388192-1-41
Számlaszámunk: MagNet Bank – 16200223-10019243
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